Prince Rupert Fined $165,000 for Environmental Violations

Prince Rupert Fined $165,000 for Environmental Violations

“The problem arose when a commercial hauler dumped an unapproved substance, which caused the death of local wildlife, including 19 bald eagles.

After cleaning up and testing, the city reopened the facility but knew it was doing so under non-compliance. On top of that, the landfill’s leachate lagoon struggles with processing during cold weather and heavy rain, adding to the environmental challenges.

The ministry outlined five key reasons for penalizing the Prince Rupert Landfill: discharge into the aquatic environment, exceeding discharge limits and quality, litter control violations, and repeated contraventions over multiple years.

Richard Pucci, the city’s deputy city manager, pointed out Prince Rupert’s unique challenges in meeting the province’s tough standards.

With an average annual precipitation of about 3,000 mm, managing stormwater and leachate from waste infiltration is particularly difficult. He explained that there are factors beyond the city’s control, such as the increasing thresholds set by the province, which apply a “one-size-fits-all” policy.”

The Northern view, ,January 17, 2025

What to Do?

West Vancouver:

A good warning to north shore communities that we must remain vigilant and speak up on behalf of our resident Bald Eagles and all of our wildlife.

A phone call to the District of West Vancouver Dispatch confirmed that to report a spill you contact Dispatch at the number below.

Emergency Service for Roads, Parks, Water & Sewer: 604-925-7100 (24 hours) *Note: If utilities crews are called out to attend a water/sewer emergency and the cause is determined to be the homeowner’s responsibility, crews are happy to assist, but fees may be required. View the service charges here.”

District of West Vancouver

City of North Vancouver:

If you witness a spill, paint, or chemicals being washed into a stormwater drain, or a contaminated stream:

Call City Operations Department immediately at 604-987-7155 (Monday-Friday, 8:00-4:30) or after hours at 604-988-2212 (after hours emergency);

You can also call the Emergency Management BC at 1-800-663-3456

If you see a spill that gives you immediate concern for your or others’ safety, call 9-1-1

City of North Vancouver, “Spill Response”

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